Monday, July 22, 2013


It is not strange that we find we have someone in our life about whom we have centered ourselves over a considerable period of time that not a day goes by without a line thrown to that person and we believe that under no circumstances will the bond between us break nor erode.

That person may have been someone we totally hated but grew to love, someone we stood far from but cannot grow apart from, a person who put a bitter taste in your mouth once but you grew fond of in time. At times, the person may be someone you simply feel so comfortable with that you would confine your views to what the person gives you and at other times, you would feel so prickly about how the views about the person are so against your own and you feel a need from all over yourself that wants you to break free from the prison you put yourself in.

But people are not easy to shrug off from our lives. We have little success in moving from a person who at some point of our life meant the world to us to a different person or a group of people so that we keep our sanity with little effort. Do we really need to make the switch?

The world has billions of people in it and in big cities, there typically are millions of people. This math simply makes us wonder why we cannot just hop from someone to someone else to find that person with whom we want to try things with. But the math does not consider the difficulties in setting to the task. There are way too many factors involved in this epic search we often don't feel like getting out and doing it. Very often we don't feel like overcoming the pain and hurt and so we simmer under it and take a couple of steps back when we ought to be moving forward.

Along those lines, if that hardship were not there, one could possibly hop from person to person in their lifetime and be gone a long time after having spent brief periods with too many people. But it is merely an obstacle of the mind to place such restrictions on one's own borders.

Meeting people is a good thing. Who knows, perhaps out there is someone more compatible. Or perhaps, it would teach us that someone most compatible had already touched our lives and we need to focus there. If the person we so badly need does not need us as much, it is time to learn to love oneself more and let go. And if convinced beyond doubt that there is no better half or other half out there, perhaps it is time to become whole and touch the skies.

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